Home of innovation


Home of  Innovation

Cell and gene therapy facility

The Government is investing £100 million into a state-of-the-art vaccine and gene therapy facility in Braintree.

The team of experts at Catapult cover all aspects of advanced therapies. Applying its unique capabilities and assets, the company collaborates with academia, industry, and healthcare providers to develop new technology and drive innovation.

Through cutting-edge therapies, the centre is increasing the UK’s ability to respond to diseases and pandemics, while creating new, high-skilled jobs to fuel the economy.

Read more about the innovation centre


Next generation construction

British Offsite is bringing extra speed, flexibility and reliability to traditional construction with its next generation light gauge steel framing system and infill panels. The pre-manufacture of more components on wall, floor and roof panels is an innovative way of streamlining processes and increasing productivity.

This modern method of construction delivers products more quickly, speeds up the construction process as well as offers a more sustainable way of building projects.

Read more about British Offsite


Horizon 120 – A sustainable place to work

The growth of Horizon 120, the new 65 acre business and innovation park located off the A131 in Great Notley, is an example of how we’re leading the way when it comes to green and sustainable development.

This new business park is an exemplar site offering modern, flexible business accommodation, state-of-the-art energy efficient buildings, best in class fibre optic connectivity and electric vehicle charging points.

The site is attracting the attention of several well-established firms keen to relocate their growing businesses to the future-proofed site. It has the potential to create up to 2,000 jobs.

Find out about Horizon 120


UK electric charging first for Braintree

GRIDSERVE opened the UK’s first Electric Forecourt® in Braintree in what has been called a major breakthrough for electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

The Electric Forecourt® is part of GRIDSERVE’s wider ‘sun-to-wheel’ initiative, built to deliver low cost, net zero carbon energy. Electricity is generated from both the solar power canopies above the chargers, and a network of hybrid solar farms, also operated by GRIDSERVE.

The site is the first of more than 100 Electric Forecourts® being built by GRIDSERVE over the next five years, providing people with the confidence that the UK will have the charging infrastructure required for mass EV adoption well ahead of the 2030 ban on petrol and diesel cars.

Read more about the Electric Forecourt